Usually, the term is associated with religion, but this time, I’d use this word in usage of learning programming languange. Yes, I would say that we should be agnostic in using programming languages!

A little backstory of why this is urgent for you to read. As usual, it came back from collage time, where obviously very late than any industry because the way we learn in school is based on some fixed curriculum, where already ensure how to grade etc. Then, in programming world, usually Java is introduced for Object Oriented Programming subject, which is very good actually, they’re the main reason, if not only reason of why other programming language is also using object oriented way of programming.
In college, I was introduced into Visual Basic 6 right after C++.
Yup, my first hello world is using C. But actually, what makes me wanted to learn more about programming is BASIC, especially Q BASIC, if you knew, I was talking about the gorilla velocity throwing banana. That is before college, which is in high school, you see there is this tournament of FORTRAN, when internet was still introduced through paper magazine as military tools to communicate. And someone gave me that book of FORTRAN.
As my father and his team uses PC for drawing using CAD for his civil engineering projects. I learn how to use computer thru spreadsheet like IBM Lotus, Xenon, still seeking the Gorilla Q Basic thing but I couldn’t find one due to lack of resources. Its the time way before, I believe its in Windows 3.1
So, since I didn’t learn the FORTRAN properly, I didn’t join the tournament, obviously.
And times fly until, I found myself graduated from high school and have to choose what major I would take in the college. Mistakenly, I choose Information Technology, mainly because I thought it would lead me to create awesome gadget like in Mission Impossible, little that I know that software needs to run on a hardware, and nothing about hardware is in that major. Well now we have IoT, that actually more representative, but back then, information resources are less, now its abundance.
Event Driven
Is a concept of Visual Basic 6 is taught, or that is what I have understood. Create the button, and fill the code for whenever the button is pressed, no GUI hassle, just drag the button and write the response. Ya, its still procedural. Based on what event is happening then the program is acting upon.